Leica » Fake Leica by Yibai

Fake Leica by Yibai

Chinese artist and fake-maker Liao Yibai’s sculptures, glistening with their mirror finishes and minutely perfect details, amazingly conceal the laborious and precise work that goes into each piece.

Fake Leica by Yibai

Chinese artist and fake-maker Liao Yibai’s sculptures, glistening with their mirror finishes and minutely perfect deta...

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Fake Leica L.A.

"What’s the story and idea behind the “Fake Leica” sculpture?"   "Duncan Meeder, owner of the Dutch Leica Store...

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Fake Leica (3)

The sculpture was created by the Chinese artist Liao Yibai. There are only  three copies of this "Fake Leica": one is l...

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